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Weekly Fantasy Football Leaders (2012)

Top Defense & Special Teams - Weeks 1 to 16 (2012)

View fantasy scoring leaders for Standard, Half PPR, and PPR leagues broken down by week. Rankings can be sorted based on total points or average points per week to spot the top fantasy players.

# Player PosTeam1234567891011121314151617 AVG TTL
1Chicago Bears DSTCHI149232428BYE151226911344726 14.3215
2Seattle Seahawks DSTSEA61612515583916BYE31411616 11.5172
3Denver Broncos DSTDEN141610529BYE4720128991412 10.7160
4Houston Texans DSTHOU1495238520BYE10150422-1153 10.1152
5Los Angeles Chargers DSTLAC76421412-62511461412316 10.1151
6Arizona Cardinals DSTARI98241247842BYE14515-12611 9.9148
7New England Patriots DSTNE167114861010BYE821256518 9.7146
8Cincinnati Bengals DSTCIN-14714737BYE31613121262220 9.7145
9San Francisco 49ers DSTSF554281211113BYE416216810-1 9.5143
10Los Angeles Rams DSTLAR1345121842-4-54231713125 9.5142
11Atlanta Falcons DSTATL9111641116BYE452122150177 8.7131
12New York Giants DSTNYG451636191122141BYE13390-1 8.3125
12Green Bay Packers DSTGB319225106127BYE20-35121015 8.3125
14Minnesota Vikings DSTMIN52141110218-316BYE54131415 7.8117
15Carolina Panthers DSTCAR311-2817BYE31384137151410 7.7115
15Cleveland Browns DSTCLE197370166101BYE92141101 7.7115
17Baltimore Ravens DSTBAL1810112152-2BYE61013108414 7.5112
18Washington Commanders DSTWAS613831116511BYE17725610 7.4111
19New Orleans Saints DSTNO52939BYE1121314636223 7.2108
19New York Jets DSTNYJ13311121624BYE13110111164 7.2108
21Miami Dolphins DSTMIA16712136BYE20204264914 7.1106
22Tampa Bay Buccaneers DSTTB128111BYE17-2107195528-34 6.9104
23Pittsburgh Steelers DSTPIT482BYE85365861380316 6.395
24Tennessee Titans DSTTEN02504446323BYE901418-3 5.989
25Indianapolis Colts DSTIND671BYE7-346320-48112317 5.988
26Dallas Cowboys DSTDAL62104BYE07541851888-1 5.785
27Detroit Lions DSTDET5503BYE910461634532 4.466
28Buffalo Bills DSTBUF-21291-213-2BYE3-310984-13 4.162
29Jacksonville Jaguars DSTJAC40342BYE8506463637 4.161
30Las Vegas Raiders DSTLV1-34-2-85120-2-1175167 3.958
31Philadelphia Eagles DSTPHI1463312BYE263111293 3.857
31Kansas City Chiefs DSTKC-3-4841211BYE264152234 3.857