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Weekly Fantasy Football Leaders (2023)

Top Defense & Special Teams - Weeks 10 to 16 (2023)

View fantasy scoring leaders for Standard, Half PPR, and PPR leagues broken down by week. Rankings can be sorted based on total points or average points per week to spot the top fantasy players.

# Player PosTeam123456789101112131415161718 AVG TTL
1Miami Dolphins DSTMIA         BYE12211212247  14.788
2Las Vegas Raiders DSTLV         880BYE122521  12.374
3San Francisco 49ers DSTSF         2091449123  10.171
4Baltimore Ravens DSTBAL         14615BYE7915  1166
5Indianapolis Colts DSTIND         16BYE11177140  10.865
6Chicago Bears DSTCHI         7914BYE14173  10.764
7Tampa Bay Buccaneers DSTTB         134477516  856
7Dallas Cowboys DSTDAL         82116-11101  856
9Denver Broncos DSTDEN         8916514-25  7.955
10New York Jets DSTNYJ         821391228  7.754
10New York Giants DSTNYG         02312BYE8110  954
12Houston Texans DSTHOU         882105137  7.653
13Cleveland Browns DSTCLE         1572-412137  7.452
13New England Patriots DSTNE         6BYE1275715  8.752
13Minnesota Vikings DSTMIN         8211BYE2074  8.752
16Tennessee Titans DSTTEN         601099134  7.351
17Buffalo Bills DSTBUF         6212BYE695  8.249
17Atlanta Falcons DSTATL         4BYE12140712  8.249
19Pittsburgh Steelers DSTPIT         871024413  6.948
20New Orleans Saints DSTNO         1BYE5021140  6.841
21Green Bay Packers DSTGB         15156461  5.438
22Seattle Seahawks DSTSEA         5480657  535
23Cincinnati Bengals DSTCIN         62531170  4.934
24Kansas City Chiefs DSTKC         BYE722676  530
24Detroit Lions DSTDET         -26054512  4.330
26Los Angeles Rams DSTLAR         BYE557264  4.829
27Los Angeles Chargers DSTLAC         -433174-37  3.927
27Jacksonville Jaguars DSTJAC         1743651  3.927
29Philadelphia Eagles DSTPHI         BYE64-21034  4.225
30Carolina Panthers DSTCAR         7023380  3.323
31Arizona Cardinals DSTARI         310-26BYE-43  2.716
32Washington Commanders DSTWAS         09-4-4BYE63  1.710