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Welcome to the latest episode of the FantasyPros Football Podcast. The show is hosted by Joe Pisapia (@JoePisapia17), Derek Brown (@DBro_FFB), and Andrew Erickson (@AndrewErickson_). Together, our trio will offer insight to help your squads.
Joey P., Derek, Andrew, and Chris Raybon (The Action Network) compete in our first redraft mock of the year! Stay tuned ’til the end to find out who reigned supreme!
Omaha Steaks – Omaha Steaks isn’t just “steak” … it’s the BEST STEAK OF YOUR LIFE! This Father’s Day, send dad an experience he’ll love and can share with you! Go to and type FANTASYPROS into the search bar and order the Dads Want Steaks Package. You’ll get 16 entrees and 4 desserts plus 8 FREE Omaha Steaks Burgers.
Magic Spoon – Magic Spoon offers tasty, healthy cereal that cuts down on sugar and carbs. Go to and use our promo code FANTASYPROS at checkout to get $5 off.