{{ isEditing ? 'Edit Lineup' : 'Optimal Lineup' }} (GPP)
Mar 27th, 2025
Pos | Player | Status | Bats | Opponent | Proj. Pts | Salary | Swap | Lock | Exclude | Actions |
Totals | {{ optimalLineupPtTotal }} | ${{ sumValues('optimalLineup', 'salary', 0, true) }} |
- Filters:
- All
- {{ positionTrans[slot] || slot }}
Please check back before the start of next season when DFS contests become available.
players from
Reset defaults
Saved Stacks
No. Stacks: {{ Object.keys(savedStacks).length }}
- View Rules');" :class="{ 'panel-specific-nav__link--current': multipleLineupsNav === 'rules' }">Rules
- View Lineups');" class="panel-specific-nav__link" :class="{ 'panel-specific-nav__link--current': multipleLineupsNav === 'lineups' }">Lineups
- View Exposures');" :class="{ 'panel-specific-nav__link--current': multipleLineupsNav === 'exposures' }">Player Exposures
Build Rules
Number of Lineups
The number of lineups you'd like to generate.
Max. Percentage of Salary Cap
The maximum percentage of the salary that a lineup can use.
Unique Players
The number of unique players that each lineup should have.
Max. Player Exposure
The maximum exposure your lineups should have to a single player.
Set Position Maximums
{{ positionTrans[slot] || slot }}:
100) ? 100 : positionExposures[slot];" v-model.number="positionExposures[slot]">%
Set Global Maximum
Unique Players
The number of unique players that each lineup should have.
{ if (premium) view = 'stacks'; stackView = 'saved';}" :data-toggle="!premium ? 'modal' : false">Manage StacksSaved Lineups
Generated Lineups
No. Lineups: {{ Object.keys(visibleMultipleLineups).length }} Type: {{ sport !== 'NBA' && advancedOptions.contest_type && advancedOptions.contest_type.options['gpp-toggle'].filter.checked ? 'GPP' : 'Cash' }} Slate: