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Kansas City Chiefs

AFC West

Expert Rankings: DST Likes him more About the same Likes him less
Kyle Soppe
Pro Football Network
# 6  
Andy Behrens
Yahoo! Sports
# 9  
Dave Richard
CBS Sports
# 11  
Jamey Eisenberg
CBS Sports
# 11  
Jaime Eisner
The Draft Network
# 12  
Daniel Mader
Fantasy Football Advice
# 13  
Ryan Weisse
Club Fantasy FFL
# 13  
Brad Beatson
Bandit Fantasy Football
# 13  
Matt Harmon
Yahoo! Sports
# 13  
David Biggs
Drink Five
 # 14 
Kev Wheeler
Wheel Route FF
 # 14 
Tal Malachovsky
The Fantasy Scout
 # 14 
Jeff Boggis
Fantasy Football Empire
 # 14 
Marc Shannep
Fantasy Knockout
 # 14 
Marco Enriquez
 # 14 
Scott Pianowski
Yahoo! Sports
 # 14 
Kyle Senra
Going For 2
 # 14 
Kate Magdziuk
Yahoo! Sports
 # 15 
Wolf of Roto Street
Roto Street Journal
 # 15 
Justin Sablich
5th Down Fantasy
 # 15 
Michelle Magdziuk
 # 15 
Elisha Twerski
USA Today
 # 15 
Bart Wheeler
Hail to Fantasy Football
 # 16 
Drew DeLuca
QB List
 # 16 
Neema Hodjat
Real GM
 # 16 
Richard Savill
Fantasy Six Pack
 # 17 
Ed Birdsall
Talking Points Sports
 # 17 
Tera Roberts
Yahoo! Sports
 # 17 
Kevin Roberts
Breaking Football
 # 17 
Francisco (Chato) Romero
Estadio Fantasy
 # 17 
Mauricio Gutierrez
Estadio Fantasy
 # 17 
Justin Jaksa
Dr. Roto
 # 17 
Site Projections
 # 18 
Dalton Del Don
Yahoo! Sports
 # 18 
Nick Zylak
Fantasy Football Advice
 # 18 
Kev Mahserejian
 # 19 
Stephen L Tomasin
 # 19 
Frank Ammirante
The Game Day
 # 19 
Pat Fitzmaurice
 # 19 
Chris Kennedy
Dr. Roto
 # 20 
Site Rankings
FullTime Fantasy
  # 22
Mike MacGregor
Draft Buddy
  # 26